Views: 302 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2020-09-15 Origin: Site
The digital weighing scale is an important and useful tool for reaching or maintaining weight loss for many people, but for others, it can stand in the way of success. Even if you are just trying to maintain your physique, studies have shown that weighing yourself regularly can help you maintain a healthy weight.
But sometimes, stepping on a scale can be a negative experience. There may be a slight increase in your number, even though you've been sticking to your program. Or maybe the digital scale shows no progress at all when you've been doubling-down on your workouts.
The moment you step on balance digital scales you decide things about yourself—whether you’re fat or thin, whether you’ve succeeded or failed, perhaps even how you feel about yourself as a person. The number on the scale, weight indicator ,is often tied to our body image, something that many of us struggle with on a regular basis.
So is it smart to weigh yourself? Consider a few factors and ask yourself key questions to decide if the scale is right for you.
A scale is a great tool for people who are maintaining weight loss.Seeing their weight each day is one way to make sure they're staying on track with their diet and exercise program.
However, if you’re just starting a weight loss program, the number on the electronic weighing machine can be deceptive, making you feel that you’re not making progress even when you are. Maybe we can say that the higher the electronic scale accuracy, the greater the damage and shadow it may bring to you.
For example, when you start exercising, the progress you make is happening inside your body. Your heart is learning how to pump blood more efficiently, your body is creating more mitochondria in response to this new demand, and your muscles are getting stronger to adapt to your workouts. These are things that simply won't show up on weight measuring instruments.
Unfortunately, the hard work of diet and exercise isn’t always reflected on the scale for new exercisers, especially during the first few weeks.
If you're discouraged by what you're seeing on a weight scale, consider weighing yourself once a month rather than daily or weekly to give your body time to adapt to what you’re doing.
Just take the scale-out of the mix for a while to see if anything changes for you mentally. You may find that you're more motivated when you take out that discouragement.
The most important thing is to find a way to keep going even if the weight measuring scale isn't saying what you want it to say. Remember, the scale is very simple. It measures everything: your bones, muscles, organs as well as what you had to eat or drink before you stepped on the scale. For example, you can control your diet by putting it on a digital weighing scale for food before eating.
A more sophisticated tool? Your clothes and a measuring tape. That will tell you the real story about whether you're getting weight loss results.